Which Museum Are You?

A product I helped create for the San Diego Union-Tribune’s coverage of Balboa Park's Centennial Celebration. The idea was to solve one of the main problems visitors have in the expansive park: too much to do; too little time.

Our quiz asked readers questions like, “Where’s your ideal vacation destination?” and “What’s your favorite breed of dog?” and uses their answers to offer tourism suggestions based on how each reader’s personality matched up with the personality of each museum*.

Developer: Andrell Bower
Design Director: Peter Nguyen
Graphics Director: Aaron Steckelberg

*You may be wondering how we determined the personality of each museum. Well, we asked. Before we built the tool, we asked staff at the park to take the quiz on behalf of the museum where they worked. So, for instance, someone who worked at the Air and Space museum told us what they think the Air and Space Museum’s favorite breed of dog would be, and we used answers like that to chart the personality of each museum.